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dashv wrote on May 20, 2024 at 4:59 pm
I thought I'd share my experience since this was the first result I found in a search. All transactions and currency mentions are in USD. I used Jdownloader2 for downloading, connected via Ethernet, although I doubt that affects speeds.

Both my experiences with the free and one-month paid tiers mirrored what OP described.

For context: I bought the subscription from "premium dot us" using PayPal. The one-month plan cost $41.30 through PayPal, so the PayPal fee was approximately $12. The key was promptly delivered and easily added to my account.

After that, I decided to try the three-month plan but, foolishly, I didn't create a new account for it.

The three-month plan cost $95 via PayPal. I believe the PayPal fee alone was around $29.95, but other payment options were about $16. Like before, the key was swiftly provided and added to my account.

*** Applying the key didn't extend my current subscription; it replaced it entirely. Unfortunately, there was no warning about this, though I expect as much from a site like this.

However, the three-month tier did bring some changes. Now, I have 50GB refreshed daily at 0:00 GMT.

What's interesting is that now:

I can have five connections, all reaching speeds from around 1.3MiB/s to as high as 5.5MiB/s. The average speed remains constant around 2.5MiB/s. If I had them all downloading different parts of a file, it could sustain around 11 MiB/s, which, of course, quickly depletes the daily allocation.

I don't plan on testing the yearly tier anytime soon, but I thought I'd share the three-month information I gathered.

The three-month tier allowed for five connections, each averaging around 2.5MiB/s. Also, adding new keys with more time only replaces existing time, it doesn't accumulate.
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